Welcome to the Total Relief Method Online Store, your premier destination for all the essential items used in our office and the virtual stress-reset program. Our carefully curated selection is designed to enhance your Total Relief experience, providing you with the tools and resources needed to continue your journey towards optimal health and well-being.
Whether you're looking to replicate the calming atmosphere of our office at home or seeking to maximize the benefits of our programs, our store offers everything you need to maintain a balanced and rejuvenated state of mind and body.
Shop with confidence and take the first step towards a more centered and stress-free life.
Wedge Pillow
Polyester and Cotton Cushion has an angled slope design ideal for reading or watching TV and to help, ease and comfort many health issues including: respiratory problems - neck, back and shoulder tension - hiatus hernia - digestion or reflux disorders - snoring - CPAP users - overall recovery. Made of high-density polyurethane foam for firm support and durability.